Monday, May 2, 2011

Follow the RSS

We'll promise you no more than one email from the PACE For Kids email address a day. Promise...cross our hearts, hope to repeal SB 5.

We won't promise you the same with the blog. We'll be updating this as often as we can, as often as there's something to say.

To make your life easier, we've put up two gadgets over there to the right...take a look. We'll wait...

...seriously...go ahead and look off to the right...

The first says Subscribe to and lets you add an RSS feed to your newsreader (we're fans of iGoogle, but you may have your favorite - if you don't know what RSS is, check out this video.)

Below that it says Follow by email, and that's even easier. All you have to do is put in your home email (remember, we're not using school emails for this campaign), and the new posts will be emailed directly to your email account. It couldn't be easier.

So, my advice is to pick one of those and hop on the blog with us.

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