Sunday, September 25, 2011

No on Issue 2, or how I stopped worrying and learned to love Facebook

Today's guest post comes from Becky Brown, former PACE president, veteran of nearly every building the PCSD, and a passionate supporter of the NO on Issue 2 campaign.

(Apologies to “Dr. Strangelove” purists...)

On a Saturday morning in late August I attending a “No on Issue 2” training session.  Not much time was spent on “the why.”  We all know the why this has to go away.
  • Issue 2 is Unsafe (Do you really want to leave safety measures to management   entirely when those who actually do the work have the best understanding of what the job entails?)
  • Issue 2 is Unfair (Are you okay with sacrificing to get the state budget under control when those in charge of the state are willing and happy to give raises to their employees?) 
  • Issue 2 Hurts the Middle Class (And why should public employees take the blame for the Wall Street Fat Cat’s taking big pay increases and bonuses?  Just how many millions does one person need?)
Lots of time was spent on “the how.”   The how entails contacting everyone you know, at least 40.  And contacting them more than once.  Research has shown that seven personal contacts will result in getting the desired results. 

Wow.  That was pretty overwhelming.  And then it hit me.  The “thing” I’ve been avoiding - avoiding because I’d heard from my association, “Be careful.  Don’t have contact with students.  Anything you post can be seen by anyone.”  So I’ve avoided this tool.

Former students have encouraged me to take the leap.  And I’ve always said, “maybe.”
And now.  Here it was staring me in the face.  Yes.  I did it.  I opened a FACEBOOK page.

My first attempt was to post a “Vote NO on Issue 2” sign instead of my picture.  Well, that didn’t work, but I was able to get the picture on my wall.  And I managed to post the “Three Reasons:  Issue 2 is Unsafe, Unfair, and Hurts the Middle Class.” 

The hits were great!  I received many likes.  While finding friends I found other educators who have used the No on 2 sign either as their picture or on their wall.  

I found many fellow educators at Princeton and at OEA and even NEA.  I found many former students:  some of them scattered to the winds, but many of them still in Ohio (yes!  voters to vote NO!!!).  I also found relatives.  Unfortunately one on them (not blood, thank you, an outlaw) was quoting Newt (Good grief! I have some work to do...after all, her daughter - in - law is a math professor at an Ohio college).

So,  I was able to get over the first hurdle.  Now.  My new goal as I continue to find more friends is to continue to post information about Issue 2 being a bad thing - even more important as the opposition in a most benevolent voice talks about the glories of Issue 2 and how we need to give up even more to help the state budget.

It was a big step for me to do the FACEBOOK thing.  And I will continue to stretch my comfort level as I work to defeat Issue 2.

What are you willing to do to help defeat Issue 2?   Remember, this is the fight for our lives and the lives of our families.  Those of us who are still working and those of us who  are retired must do everything in our power to make sure that the legacy of Collective Bargaining that was left to us by others will be there for those who come after us.

Together we can!

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